The Impact of Parental Anxiety on Children
These days we are hearing more and more about concepts such as ‘cotton ball parenting’ or ‘helicopter parenting’. The media constantly bombards us with news about crimes, natural disasters, and health epidemics, which can create the impression that the world is becoming increasingly unsafe. Sadly, this, combined with a general increase in anxiety disorders, is…
The Impact of Technology on Sleep
Chronic sleep difficulties are believed to be widespread in Western countries. A lack of sleep negatively impacts a number of aspects of a person’s functioning, including alertness, cognition, productivity, safety, learning and mood. Sleep deficiency is also likely to contribute to many other mental and physical health issues. A new and emerging challenge is currently…
Take a (Small-ish) Risk
We can’t get away from it: ‘life’ is uncertainty. The middle two letters are even: “IF”! That’s the way it is. If we grasp with our desire for certainty, we are trying to swim against the current. Life is hardly ever certain. When we seek certainty, we worry; we check and check again – and…