ASD Checklist

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Checklist

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This checklist is designed as a measure of disorder symptomatology. It must be interpreted in the context of individual client circumstances and as such should be used only in combination with a comprehensive medical and clinical assessment. It is NOT a stand-alone diagnostic tool.


ASD is characterised by symptoms from the following categories:

A) Social and Communication Deficits

Problems understanding and responding to emotions in social settings (e.g. unusual social interactions, reduced sharing of emotional experiences, failure to initiate or respond to social interactions).

Difficulties with nonverbal communication in social situations (e.g. unusual body language when communicating, abnormal eye contact patterns, poor understanding of nonverbal behaviour).

Problems developing, maintaining and understanding relationships (e.g. difficulties adjusting behaviour in different social settings, lack of interest in or understanding of peers and social play activities).

B) Restricted, Repetitive Behaviours

Problems understanding and responding to emotions in social settings (e.g. unusual social interactions, reduced sharing of emotional experiences, failure to initiate or respond to social interactions).

Difficulties with nonverbal communication in social situations (e.g. unusual body language when communicating, abnormal eye contact patterns, poor understanding of nonverbal behaviour).

Problems developing, maintaining and understanding relationships (e.g. difficulties adjusting behaviour in different social settings, lack of interest in or understanding of peers and social play activities).

If a child has experienced all symptoms from category A and at least 2 symptoms from category B during their early developmental period and beyond, they may meet criteria for an ASD diagnosis.

In this case, it is recommended that they be referred to a psychologist for a more comprehensive assessment. To book an appointment with a psychologist, contact Strategic Psychology on (02) 6262 6157 or email

Reference: American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5). Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Association.

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