man in black suit jacket beside woman in black shirt

How Personality Traits Influence Anxiety Levels

Anxiety is a prevalent mental health condition affecting a significant proportion of Australians.  Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health conditions, impacting individuals’ emotional wellbeing and daily functioning. 

Understanding the various factors that contribute to anxiety is crucial for effective prevention and management.  Among these contributing factors, personality traits play an influential role in shaping how individuals experience and respond to anxiety.

This article explores how personality traits, particularly neuroticism, are linked to anxiety, providing insights and practical strategies for management. 

Understanding Personality Traits and Anxiety 

Personality traits are enduring patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviours that distinguish individuals from one another.  The Five-Factor Model (FFM) of personality identifies five broad traits: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. 

Each trait reflects a spectrum of tendencies that can influence emotional experiences and behavioural responses. 

Among these traits, neuroticism is most closely associated with anxiety.  Neuroticism refers to the tendency to experience negative emotions such as fear, sadness, and anger more intensely and frequently. 

Individuals with high levels of neuroticism are more susceptible to stress and are likely to perceive everyday situations as more threatening, increasing their vulnerability to anxiety disorders. 

The Link Between Neuroticism and Anxiety 

There seems to be a strong association between high neuroticism and anxiety disorders.  High neuroticism is characterised by heightened emotional reactivity and difficulties in emotional regulation.  

Individuals with elevated neuroticism levels may perceive minor stressors as significant threats, resulting in increased anxiety and worry. 

Several mechanisms explain the link between neuroticism and anxiety: 

  • Increased Sensitivity to Stress: Individuals high in neuroticism are more likely to perceive neutral or ambiguous situations as threatening, thereby triggering anxiety responses. 
  • Cognitive Biases: High neuroticism is associated with maladaptive thinking patterns, such as catastrophising and rumination. These cognitive biases can exacerbate feelings of anxiety. 
  • Avoidance Behaviours: To manage heightened anxiety, individuals high in neuroticism may avoid anxiety-provoking situations. However, avoidance can reinforce anxiety in the long term, contributing to persistent anxiety symptoms. 

Other Personality Traits Influencing Anxiety 

While neuroticism has the strongest association with anxiety, other personality traits can also influence anxiety experiences: 

  • Low Extraversion: Individuals with lower levels of extraversion may be more prone to social anxiety, as they may find social interactions less rewarding and more stressful. 
  • Low Conscientiousness: This trait may be  linked to less effective coping strategies and greater emotional impulsivity, which can increase vulnerability to anxiety. 
  • Low Agreeableness: Lower agreeableness may result in more interpersonal conflicts, which can be a source of stress and anxiety. 

Understanding these relationships can help individuals and mental health professionals develop personalised strategies to manage anxiety effectively. 

Managing Anxiety Influenced by Personality Traits 

Recognising the impact of personality traits on anxiety can empower individuals to adopt targeted coping strategies, such as: 

  • Cognitive-Behavioural Strategies: Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based approach that helps individuals identify and challenge negative thought patterns, replacing them with more adaptive thinking. 
  • Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: Practices such as mindfulness meditation can enhance emotional regulation and reduce stress sensitivity. Mindfulness encourages individuals to observe their thoughts without judgment, which can reduce anxiety symptoms. 
  • Healthy Lifestyle Practices: Regular exercise, adequate sleep, and a balanced diet can improve overall wellbeing and reduce the impact of stress on anxiety. 
  • Seeking Professional Support: Engaging with a mental health professional, such as a psychologist, can provide tailored strategies for managing anxiety. Evidence-based therapies, such as CBT and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), can be adapted to individual personality profiles to enhance coping and resilience. 

If anxiety is affecting your daily life, seeking support from a qualified mental health professional is a proactive step towards wellbeing.  Strategic Psychology offers personalised psychological support to assist individuals in understanding and managing their anxiety effectively. 


Personality traits, particularly neuroticism, play a significant role in influencing anxiety levels.  High neuroticism is linked to greater emotional sensitivity, maladaptive thinking patterns, and avoidance behaviours that can perpetuate anxiety. 

However, understanding these personality influences can guide the development of targeted coping strategies, empowering individuals to manage their anxiety more effectively. 


Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) 2023, Mental health services in Australia, AIHW, Canberra, retrieved from: (accessed 12 March 2025). 

Beyond Blue, Anxiety, retrieved from: (accessed 12 March 2025). 

Black Dog Institute, Anxiety, retrieved from: (accessed 12 March 2025). 

Centre for Clinical Interventions (CCI) , Resources for anxiety, retrieved from: (accessed 12 March 2025). 

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