Coronavirus (COVID-19) measures

As coronavirus cases rise across Australia, the level of anxiety within the community is increasing. Feelings of unease, stress and worry can be expected during these trying times, however, it is important we continue life as well as we can.

The Federal Government announced that non-essential services will begin to be closed as of March 23, 202o. Psychologists are considered essential services. The Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt has confirmed that all allied health businesses nationally can continue working and are encouraged to do so. It’s important those in need continue to access psychological services in these challenging times.

The team at Strategic Psychology is taking the Governments advice very carefully and we have put in a number of measures in place to reduce incidences while still maintaining our high quality clinical services.

Our COVID-19 reduction measures include:

  • hand sanitiser stations in multiple locations and consulting rooms
  • minimum 4 sq. metres per person in consulting rooms including couples counselling (meeting Government’s recommendation)
  • waiting room seating to minimum 1.5 metres apart
  • encouraging clients to arrive on time, and not too early, to minimise time with other people
  • temporary removal of children’s play area
  • practicing social distancing before, during and after consultations
  • phone and video consultations for clients not able to visit our office

In summary, we are continuing to operate regular hours with in-person or phone/video consultations.

We wish you will continue to support us during this challenging time because our practice depends on you, our amazing clients.

Kindest regards,

Nesh Nikolic & The Strategic Psychology Team