Nesh Nikolic

Managing Director | Senior Clinical Psychologist

B.A. App Psych, Grad Dip App Psych, M. Clin Psych. MAPS, FCCLP, MACBS

Nesh Nikolic is Managing Director and Principal Clinical Psychologist at Strategic Psychology with more than 17 years of experience and approximately 25,000 hours of consulting practice. As well as being a registered psychologist who is trained in several therapy models, Nesh is also recognised by Medicare Australia as a qualified provider of specialist clinical psychology services. Nesh’s greatest therapeutic passion lies in utilising Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for his clients and training clinicians around Australia.

Nesh holds a Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology and is a member of the Australian Psychological Society (APS) and a Fellow of the APS College of Clinical Psychologists.

Nesh has guest lectured and provided all-day workshops at the University of Canberra and has been invited to present at TEDx Events held at the University of Western Sydney and Canberra. He is passionate about people and this comes across in his non-judgemental approach towards others.

Nesh also provides training to organisations working with mental health issues and has been involved in supporting professional athletes and sporting teams in achieving optimal performance. In addition, Nesh has trained psychologists, counsellors, social workers, occupational therapists and other therapists around Australia in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.

Nesh works with clients aged 18+



  • Registered Clinical Psychologist
  • Bachelor of Applied Psychology
  • Graduate Diploma in Applied Psychology
  • Master of Clinical Psychology
  • University of Canberra (UC)

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