Mental Health Canberra

Public Service is a Sacrifice: Mental Health Problems in the Workplace

When joining the workforce in Canberra, there is usually one major decision, public service or private sector?

There are many pros to working in public service. Knowing that you are helping serve your community, country, and neighbours can build a sense of personal satisfaction. Pride and ownership in the community are all associated with working as a public servant and can actually help improve your mental health. Unfortunately recent numbers are indicating there may be larger problems lurking under the surface for employees serving their community.

One source indicates that government employees report more mental health concerns than their counterparts in the private sector.  Public servants are lodging psychological claims at a staggering 5 times the rate of their equals working in the private sector (Canberra Times).

Stress in the workplace can trigger anxiety and depressive episodes. For many people their work and home life are so intertwined that it is often hard to pinpoint specific causes, which makes finding a solution difficult.

There does seem to be hope on the horizon for public servants, as the number of worker’s compensation claims decreased in 2013-2014 after years of significant increases. Even though the number has begun to decrease, it is difficult to tell what has helped.  Perhaps things will continue to improve for the public sector.

Until then, there is another large looming factor that needs to be considered when looking at jobs in the public and private sector, your health. If you are struggling with anxiety, depression, or any other mental health concerns that you believe are stemming from your workplace, make an appointment with a psychologist to discuss your concerns and develop strategies to help improve your experience.

Related reading:

Strategic Psychology – Common issue: Stress
Stress in the Workplace: A Costly Epidemic By Rebecca Maxon

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