Self Harm Signs and Risk Factors Checklist


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This checklist is designed to determine behaviours that may indicate a patient is engaging in some form of self harm. The results must be interpreted in the context of an individual’s circumstances and as such should be used only in combination with a comprehensive medical and clinical assessment. It is NOT a stand-alone diagnostic tool.


This checklist is designed to determine behaviours that may indicate a patient is engaging in some form of self harm. The results must be interpreted in the context of an individual’s circumstances and as such should be used only in combination with a comprehensive medical and clinical assessment. It is NOT a stand-alone diagnostic tool.

Psychological sign

Obvious changes in mood

Changes in sleeping and eating patterns

Losing interest and pleasure in activities they once enjoyed

Withdrawal from and poor communication with friends and family

Hiding or washing their own clothes and avoiding situations were exposure of arm and legs is required (e.g. swimming)

Problems in social or intimate relationships

Strange excuses provided for injuries

Problems with work, school, social or family life

Risk factors

History of self-harm and/or previous suicide attempt

Mental or substance use disorders, especially depression

Physical illness: terminal, painful or debilitating illness

Family history of suicide, substance abuse and/or other psychiatric disorders

History of sexual, physical or emotional abuse

Socially isolated or living alone

Bereavement in childhood

Family disturbances

Unemployment, change in occupational or financial status

Rejection by a significant person (e.g. relationship breakup)

Recent discharge from a psychiatric facility

Physical signs

Unexplained injuries, such as scratches, cuts or burn marks

Unexplained physical complaints such as headaches or stomach pains

Wearing clothes that cover up arms and legs, even in hot weather

If a patient’s presentation meets 1 or more criteria from each of the above categories, there is an increased chance that they are engaging in self-harm behaviours. In this case, it is important to complete a thorough suicide risk assessment at the time of your consultation.

It is also recommended that they be referred to a psychologist for a more comprehensive assessment. To book an appointment with a psychologist, contact Strategic Psychology on (02) 6262 6157 or email

Reference: American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5). Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Association.

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