#164 – Dr David Bakker on Using Technology for Mental Health Purposes
In this episode of Better Thinking, Nesh Nikolic speaks with Dr David Bakker on the use of technology such as smartphone apps for mental health purposes. David Bakker is a clinical psychologist in private practice at Archer Street Health in Hobart. He is also a lecturer and research supervisor at the Institute for Social Neuroscience,…
#163 – Dr Kamilah Majied on Joyfully Just: Black Wisdom and Buddhist Insights for Liberated Living
In this episode of Better Thinking, Nesh Nikolic speaks with Dr Kamilah Majied about her insightful book entitled “Joyfully Just: Black Wisdom and Buddhist Insights for Liberated Living”. Dr. Majied is Professor of Social Work at California State University, Monterey Bay. She teaches clinical practice to graduate students employing psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, mindfulness-based, and artistic approaches…
#162 – Professor Sally Gainsbury on Recreational Gambling vs Problematic Gambling
In this episode of Better Thinking, Nesh Nikolic speaks with Professor Sally Gainsbury about the differences between problematic and recreational gambling while exploring the development of responsible gambling strategies. Professor Sally Gainsbury, PhD, Doctor.ClinPsych, BPsych(Hons) is a leader in gambling psychology research, focussing on using science to inform the development of responsible gambling strategies. Sally…
#161 – Dr Christoph Klebl on The Psychology of Climate Change and Biodiversity
In this episode of Better Thinking, Nesh Nikolic speaks with Dr. Christoph Klebl about the psychology of climate change and biodiversity, and his work on aesthetics and morality that relates to that (e.g., why people are most concerned about protecting beautiful animal species). Dr. Christoph Klebl is a postdoctoral research fellow at the School of…
#160 – Dr Kinga Szymaniak on How the Emotion of Anger Impacts the Way We Think and Act
In this episode of Better Thinking, Nesh Nikolic speaks with Dr Kinga Szymaniak about the impacts of anger on the way we think and act, and how it shapes our decisions and judgments. Kinga Szymaniak is a Research Associate in the School of Psychology at UNSW. She was awarded her PhD in 2022 from the…
#159 – John Sweller on The Cognitive Load Theory
In this episode of Better Thinking, Nesh Nikolic speaks with John Sweller about The Cognitive Load Theory which suggests that learning happens best under conditions that are aligned with human cognitive architecture. John Sweller is an educational psychologist and Emeritus Professor at the University of New South Wales. He received a Ph.D. from the University…
#158 – Professor David Blustein on The Psychology of Working and the Interface of Mental Health and Work Poverty
In this episode of Better Thinking, Nesh Nikolic speaks with Professor David Blustein about the complexities surrounding the psychology of working and its profound impact on mental health, while shedding light on the challenges posed by work poverty. Dr Blustein is a Professor and Golden Eagle Faculty Fellow in the Department of Counseling, Developmental, and…
#157 – Rob Brooks on How AI Is Reshaping Human Sexual Perspectives and Interactions
In this episode of Better Thinking, Nesh Nikolic speaks with Rob Brooks about the profound impact of Artificial Intelligence on reshaping human sexual perspectives and interactions and how it revolutionizes our understanding in the realm of human sexuality. Rob Brooks, a Scientia Professor of Evolution at UNSW Sydney. He both founded and directed from 2007…
#156 – Dr Susie Burke on The Psychology of Climate Change
In this episode of Better Thinking, Nesh Nikolic speaks with Dr Susie Burke about the role that psychology can play in helping us understand the causes, impacts and solutions to climate change and other environmental threats. Dr Susie Burke is a psychologist, Adjunct Associate Professor (University of Queensland), researcher, writer, and climate change campaigner with…
#155 – Professor Andrew Martin on Student Motivation, Engagement, and Achievement – Putting The Horse Before The Cart
In this episode of Better Thinking, Nesh Nikolic speaks with Professor Andrew Martin about the intricate dynamics of Student Motivation, Engagement, and Achievement. Together, they delve deep into the strategies and challenges of “Putting The Horse Before The Cart,” shedding light on the crucial steps needed to ensure academic success and personal growth. Andrew Martin,…
#154 – Dr Andrew Amos on the Concerns with Gender Affirming Care – A Psychiatrist’s Perspective
In this episode of Better Thinking, Nesh Nikolic speaks with Dr Andrew Amos about the complexities and concerns surrounding gender-affirming care. This discussion delves into the psychiatric perspective on this important and often debated topic. Dr Andrew Amos is Director of Training – Psychiatry for North Queensland, Deputy Editor of Australasian Psychiatry, and Chairs the…
#153 – Dr Genevieve Rayner on Psychosocial Influences on Mood and Cognitive Disorders in Epilepsy
In this episode of Better Thinking, Nesh Nikolic speaks with Dr Genevieve Rayner about the intricate interplay of neurobiology and psychosocial factors contributing to mood and cognitive disorders in epilepsy and other neurological conditions. Dr Genevieve Rayner is a practicing clinical neuropsychologist and lecturer in clinical neuropsychology at the Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences. As…
#152 – Dr James Daniel Dunn on Exploring Super-Recognisers
In this episode of Better Thinking, Nesh Nikolic speaks with Dr James Dunn about strategies that support superior face identification accuracy and contextual influences on face identification as well as his most interesting research on Super-recognisers which he has been studying using the UNSW Face Test. James Dunn is a Lecturer in the School of…
#151 – Kelly Clemens on Epigenetic Consequences of Drug Addiction
In this episode of Better Thinking, Nesh Nikolic speaks with Kelly Clemens about the intricate realms of addiction neuroscience, including behavioural neuroscience of nicotine dependence as well as the epigenetic consequences of drug addiction. Kelly Clemens is an Associate Professor in the School of Psychology, and Associate Dean of Impact Partnerships for the Faculty of…
#150 – Dr Mark Horowitz on Tapering off SSRI to Mitigate Withdrawal Symptoms
In this episode of Better Thinking, Nesh Nikolic speaks with Dr Mark Horowitz about exploring expert strategies for tapering off SSRIs and managing withdrawal symptoms. Dr Mark Horowitz, BA, BSc(Med), MBBS(Hons), MSc, GDipPsych, is a trainee psychiatrist and Clinical Research Fellow at North East London NHS Trust, where he runs a psychiatric drug deprescribing clinic.…
Mental and Emotional Wellbeing in Childhood & Adolescence
Mental and emotional wellbeing of children is vital for their overall development. As children progress through different stages of childhood, their emotional needs and challenges evolve. It is crucial to implement strategies that promote mental and emotional wellbeing at each stage. This article explores practical approaches to enhance mental and emotional wellbeing among young pre-school…
#149 – Dr. Suzy Green on Promoting Mental Wellness to Reduce Mental Illness Impact
In this episode of Better Thinking, Nesh Nikolic speaks with Dr Suzy Green enhancing mental health outcomes in organizations and schools through positive psychology, emphasizing the promotion of mental wellbeing over solely addressing mental illness. Dr Suzy Green is a Clinical Psychologist with extensive experience in the treatment of mental illness, Dr Green is on…
#148 – Jayashri Kulkarni on Premenstrual Syndrome
In this episode of Better Thinking, Nesh Nikolic speaks with Jayashri Kulkarni about her research on the connections between mental health, such as depression, with premenstrual cycles most notably premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) and premenstrual exacerbation (PME). Professor Jayashri Kulkarni AM graduated in Medicine from Monash University in 1981 and became a Fellow of the…
#147 – Lucette Cysique on Understanding Post-viral Syndromes
In this episode of Better Thinking, Nesh Nikolic speaks with Lucette Cysique about the importance of understanding post-viral syndromes and how it can pave the way for enhanced long-term outcomes, benefiting both individuals and the wider community. Associate Professor Lucette Cysique, a neuropsychologist researcher whos intrests lie in Modelling neurocognitive and brain changes based on…
#146 – Dr Anna Kiaos on Understanding Mental Health in Organisations
In this episode of Better Thinking, Nesh Nikolic speaks with Dr Anna Kiaos about qualitative research methods and practices, offering valuable insights into understanding mental health within organisations. Dr Anna Kiaos is a critical ethnographer with a passion for psychiatry, psychology and mental health. Her research explores the boundary between the psychological and societal focused…
Unified Protocol
What is Unified Protocol? Unified Protocol is a type of therapy used in psychology to treat various mental health conditions. It is designed to help individuals who struggle with emotions, such as anxiety, depression, or stress. This therapeutic approach combines different techniques from existing therapies to provide a comprehensive and effective treatment. When is Unified…